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The 11th Global Waqf Conference will be held in Istanbul between 7-9 September 2023 and hosted by Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, and Ilim Yayma Waqf with the coordination of Malaysia International Islamic University (IIUM).

In this year's event, which will be held under the theme of “New Generation Waqfship”, current issues related to foundations and new generation waqf-ship will be discussed with the presentations of both practitioners and academicians.

It is possible for those who are interested in our event to get detailed information and apply at: 




Call for Papers: 

15 June 2023- Abstracts Submission Deadline

20 July 2023- Notification of Acceptance


Paper Submissions:

●      Paper presenters should submit their extended abstract in between 500-750 words.

●      The conference will be mainly in English, but there may be simultaneous translation of keynote speeches if needed.

●      Papers will be accepted in English, Turkish or Arabic.

●      There may be parallel paper sessions in Turkish or Arabic depending on paper submissions.

●      The revised full texts of the papers will be requested after the conference for publication.

●      Proceedings book of the conference is planned to be published by an international publishing house.


  Applications are made via websites:

